Saturday, January 29, 2011

Christians are a Royal Priesthood, Part 3

As promised, here now are ways two through five that Christians offer up spiritual sacrifices to God according to Edwards' exposition of 1 Pet 2:9-10. (Two posts ago I gave the first of five.)

Second, Edwards says:
This spiritual priesthood offers to God the sacrifice of praise. Many of their sacrifices under the law were sacrifices of peace-offerings, which were mostly for thanksgiving and praise. But the spiritual sacrifice of the hearty and sincere praises of a saint, are more acceptable to God than all the bulls, and rams, and he-goats that they offered.
Here Edwards cites Heb. 13:15 and Ps. 50:23, among other texts.

Third, he says:
The next sacrifice which is offered by this spiritual priesthood, is obedience, sincere obedience. The sacrifices under the law did not only represent Christ's satisfying for sin by suffering, but they also represented Christ's obeying in suffering; for the sacrifices under the law were not only for propitiation, but they were for purchasing benefits, and so typified not only the satisfaction, but merit, which was by obedience.
 In this section Edwards cites Rom. 12:1; Ps. 40:6-8; and 1 Sam. 15:22.

Another sacrifice which we shall mention as offered by this spiritual priesthood, is charity, or expressions of christian love in gifts to others. If the gift flows from a spirit of christian love, although it be but a cup of cold water, it is an acceptable sacrifice to God.
Here he cites Heb. 13:16. Edwards then adds that "sacrifices of this kind may be ranked under two heads": "Liberality to ministers of the gospel" and "bounty to the poor." He cites Phil. 4:14 and Hos. 6:6 in support of these two expressions of charity.

The fifth kind of spritual sacrifice Edwards sets down is this:
Another offering of this spiritual priesthood to God, is the prayer of faith. Though this is rather compared to incense in Scripture than to sacrifice, yet is equally an evidence of their priesthood.
And here he cites Ex. 30:34; Lk. 1:10; and Ps. 41:2.

That's all for this brief series on "Christians as a Royal Priesthood" (Works, vol. 2, Hickman ed.). This gives a flavor of the preaching of Jonathan Edwards and shows his acquaintence not with commentaries but with the whole terrain of Scripture. In all his sermons he's supporting all his points with texts. He's thinking within the canon. This sermon also shows where we negect applications of our priesthood, although I don't suppose Edwards has given us here the last or a comprehensive word on the matter.

What a high and holy privilege and calling we have as New Covenant priests! Now how do these things work out in our twenty-first century American churches? Are they being worked out?

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