If you are a father or mother, you should . . . remember your children and the workers in your household. Pray earnestly to the dear Father, who has set you in an office of honor in his name and intends that you be honored by the name "father." Ask that he grant you grace and blessing to look after and support your wife, children, and servants in a godly and Christian manner. May he give you wisdom and strength to guide and train them well in heart and will to follow your instruction with obedience. Both are God's gifts, your children and the way they flourish, that they turn out well and that they remain so. Otherwise the home is nothing but a pigsty and school for rascals, as one can see among the uncouth and godless.—Martin Luther, Luther's Prayers (ed. Herbert F. Brokering; Augsberg: Minneapolis, 1994), 55.
Crumbs fallen from the table of the King—from his Word, his workmen, and his world.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Nothing but a Pigsty and School for Rascals
A bit of Lutheran instruction on prayer for parents:
Jeff Wencel
1 comment:
Fathers can't get no respect anymore. http://bit.ly/IfoL0M
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