Monday, November 28, 2016

The Great Shortfall Today

Dick Lucas:
In the long term I think being a preacher, missionary, or leading a Bible study group in many ways is easier. There is a certain spiritual glamour in doing it, and what we should be doing each day is easier to discern, more black and white, not so grey. It is often hard to get Christians to see that God is willing not just to use men and women in ministry, but in law, in medicine, in business, in the arts. This is the great shortfall today.
—Quoted in Timothy Keller, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work (New York: Penguin, 2012), 115.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Back to Blogging (Semi-Regularly)

So I'm going to go ahead and start blogging again. At least some. It's been good to take a break from the blog and many other things over the past year, during which time the Wencels have had our hands full.

However, I do not intend to blog with any regularity. And I do not intend to post much original thinking of my own. No time for that. But I will post from time to time some things I'm reading that I think are worth recalling and sharing.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Prolonging the Prolonged Blog Break

This post is just an update for this blog, which has been all but abandoned by its overseer. I post to say that much has come to pass in recent months—including a new job, a new house, a return to the church where Em and I married, caring for an infant, and another newborn on the way.

And so the blog break will continue, probably for quite some time. Perhaps when our little ones are all above knee level I'll take to the keyboard once again (yes, I know, the masses are on tip-toe) and pour forth all that I've learned from being a glad dad with hands and heart full.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Prolonged Blog Break

I continue to take an extended blog break after the birth of our second daughter. But I plan on plunking away again (as furious as ever?) some time in the not too distant (but not too near, either) future.