Sunday, January 8, 2012

Twelve Lessons Learned on Vacation

Emily and I spent a week in Cozumel, Mexico moving into 2012, and had a wonderful time. Our goals of seeking the Lord and finding refreshment (mind, soul, and body) away from the hurly-burly of suburban life and press were achieved. For that we are deeply grateful. But something unexpected happened. The Lord taught me (I think; time will tell) more than I ever dreamed or hoped he might. And so this post will outline the "twelve lessons learned on vacation." In subsequent posts I hope to expand on the outline and speak to some particulars. These are not in order of importance. However, if I were to state which lessons learned were the weightiest, it’d be lessons 1 to 5. This should come out in later posts. 

1. Don't try to get out of a vacation more than it can give.
2. Don't leave your Christianity behind when you leave home. 
3. The joy of the Lord alone satisfies fully; everything else serves as a mere pointer.
4. The glory of God is the supreme value on vacation, not the self, not modern concerns.
5. This little vapor’s breath of a life is utter vanity and futility apart from the fear of God and the hope of glory. 
6. God intends to carry on his sanctifying, transforming work even when you think you are taking a bit of a break from that hard road ahead.
7. If you do not actively seek to walk by the Spirit, you will fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
8. I’m still a great sinner; and Jesus is still a great Savior.
9. Heads of homes ought to lead with a God-honoring agenda for vacations.
10. Vacations provide ample scope for seeking and seeing the Lord. 
11. Vacations are for pursuing passionately and jealously a deepening of your relationships, not self-centered overindulgence.
12. Vacations provide ample opportunity to improve your understanding of anthropology.


Anonymous said...

Look forwarding to hearing more on this.

Doorkeeper In The House of God said...

Excellent bro! I especially like number 8. In sight of God's amazing grace and his provision for us (sinners) through His one and only Son, we ought to never forget that Jesus is still and always will be the great savior, and human beings who are sinners to the core will always need Jesus to deliver them from that sin.

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