Friday, January 21, 2011

Christians are a Royal Priesthood, Part 2

Edwards' second point (see here for the first) in explaining the priestly service of Christians is this: "Secondly, Christians are also a priesthood with respect to their offerings to God." Here he cites 1 Pet. 2:5: "you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." Well, what are these sacrifices? Edwards lists five ways Christians offer spiritual sacrifices to God.

First, "Christians offer up their own hearts to God in sacrifice: they dedicate themselves to God (Rom. 6:13)." And this happens in two ways: "the first is when the heart is broken for sin. A sacrifice, before it can be offered, must be wounded and slain. The heart of a true Christian is first wounded by a sense of sin, of the great evil and danger of it, and is slain with godly sorrow and true repentance. . . . The second way is when a Christian offers his heart to God, flaming with love. The sacrifice of old was not only to be slain, but to be burnt upon the altar; it was to ascend in flame and smoke, and so to be a sweet savour to God" (Works, vol. 2, Hickman ed.).

In the next and last post in this brief series, I'll post the other 4 ways Christians offer up spiritual sacrifices to God according to Edwards' exposition.

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