Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dear Lord, Make Me a Devout Parent

A Lutheran prayer for parenting:
O Lord Jesus Christ, you have opened my eyes for me to see how through your death you have redeemed me from sin, and through your resurrection have made me an heir of heaven and eternal life. 
Now, dear Lord, I thank you for these great and unspeakable gifts. I will in turn gladly do what you require of me. You have commanded me to serve my wife (husband) faithfully, and to bear the responsibilities of family life diligently and submissively. I will gladly do this. You have made me father (mother) of a family. 
Dear Lord, make me a devout parent. Help me to discharge my parental duties with heart and soul. I would rather lose my life than disobey you by offending my children and members of my household or by failing to guide them faithfully. You will not permit this ordinance and blessing of yours to be disturbed or destroyed, but will graciously protect it through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
—Martin Luther, Luther's Prayers (ed. Herbert F. Brokering; Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1994), 94.

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