Friday, July 8, 2011

Calvinism Everywhere, Part 21

First Kings 8 records Solomon's magnificent prayer at the dedication of the temple. The depths and heights of biblical theology and typology here reach far and climb high. And were I up to the daunting task, I'd do a whole series on this far-reaching sinew of Scripture that goes back to Genesis and forward through the cross and resurrection on into Revelation. Would that preachers took up this text in our churches for series of 10-12 weeks or more! There's so much here!

But, for now, we'll focus in on only a few elements to stay on topic: Calvinism Everywhere. The whole of 1 Kings 8:22-53 is a prayer. And so God's almighty ability to do what is asked for is assumed. Solomon was sure of God's ability to carry out what he purposed, for this God speaks with his mouth, and fulfills with his hand (1 Kgs. 8:24). I shall not highlight what is prayed for and then fulfilled, however, though that would be profitable. Rather I shall look at some portions where God has sent some providential dealing Israel's way (in line with the covenant curses of Deuteronomy).

On account of Israel's pervasive sinfulness and covenant-breaking"for there is no one who does not sin" (1 Kgs. 8:46)—God fulfills what he threatened in Deuteronomy. Solomon knows these curses are coming; that's why he prays. And these are the coming covenant curses: defeat before the enemy (1 Kgs. 8:33); drought conditions (1 Kgs. 8:35); famine, pestilence, blight, mildew, locust, caterpillar, plague, sickness, siege conditions (1 Kgs. 8:37); exile into the land of their captors (1 Kgs. 8:46). These conditions, Solomon assumes, come about from the hand of the covenant Lord on account of covenant-breaking disobedience. When these curses fall, when Israel goes into exile, all will acknowledge the hand of YHWH (1 Kgs. 9:9). And the covenant Lord alone can deliver from the bitter fruit of faithlessness. He sends distress and destruction; he also sends salvation and deliverance. 

So behold your God, O man! And turn in trust and praytoward the place where his name now dwells (Jn. 1:14; 2:18-22). For there is one mediator appointed between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5-6), the true temple, the ultimate meeting place with God, where God's holy presence fully and finally dwells (Col. 1:19; 2:9).

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