Saturday, March 6, 2010

Holy Marriage and Holy War

Is it coincidental that domestic relationship instructions in Eph. 5 and 6 precede holy war instructions in Eph. 6?  Or are these instructions of a piece in the seamless Christian life?  Are these part and parcel of the one fight of faith?

It ought not to come as a surpise to the Church that the devil wants to destroy relationships, especially marital.  And it also ought not to be surprising, therefore, that a holy, healthy, and harmonious marriage is an awesome weapon with which to wage holy war against the enemy of our souls. 

So let us don the whole armor of God--including the robust marriage instruction of Eph. 5.  This is one of the sharpest of the Spirit's swords.  And to men, especially, let us take up that sword and slay every dragon that attempts to ruin our marriages.  Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and petition, let us wield the weaponry of a Word-fashioned marriage to throw down what was already thrown down decisively at the cross.

Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood.  Consequently, our weapons ought not to include peashooters--impotent instruments like secular psychology, twelve-step programs, and romance advice from the gurus.  We should be fully prepared and armed to wield the holy Word and a holy marriage. 

One more salutary tactical bit of biblical instruction (pulling out one of the big guns): don't forget to flout the devil frequently with some holy horsing around in that pure and undefiled marriage bed.

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