Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jerusalem the Bride

Last week I posted part one of a two-part series on the book of Revelation preached by New Covenant Church pastor Matt Newkirk.  Here is the next bit: Part 2: Jerusalem the Bride.  Last week's sermon was good, this week's even better.  Don't miss this one.  Get a grand vision for the church, the world, and the world to come.

Here's an outline of the sermon from my wife's stellar notetaking skills (which I don't possess):

How should life in the new Jerusalem inform our lives now?
1) Life in the new Jerusalem is more communal than individual.
2) Life in the new Jersualem is more priestly than casual.
3) Life in the new Jerusalem is contingent upon a right relationship with the Lamb.

The biblical theology of this exposition embraces the sweep of the Bible's revelation.  The systematic theology undergirding the eschatology betrays coherency and care.  The pastoral theology models truly pastoral pulpit ministry.  The pastoral application, fitting for our day and our times (as application always should be!), is wisdom for the endurance of the saints. 

Only one question I have after listening, which you might ask yourself as you listen: how do points one and two (as they are fleshed out in the sermon) relate to each other?  How should our communal vision influence our priestly ministry?  Matt spoke of one way, that is, by adding to our number through evangelism.  And amen!  But what more could be said?  And, more importantly, practiced!

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