Friday, March 18, 2011

Faith Overcomes the World

How does one overcome the power of sin, the seduction of Satan, the worldliness of the world, and the onslaught of hell? Thomas Brooks answers:
It is only faith in Christ that makes a man triumph over sin, Satan, hell, and the world (1 John 5:4). It is only faith in Christ that binds the strong man's hand and foot, that stops the issue of blood, that makes a man strong in resisting, and happy in conquering. Sin always dies most where faith lives most. The most believing soul is the most mortified soul. Ah! sinner, remember this, there is no way on earth effectually to be rid of the guilt, filth, and power of sin, but by believing in a Saviour. It is not in resolving, it is not complaining, it is not mourning, but believing, that will make thee divinely victorious over that body of sin that to this day is too strong for thee, and that will certainly be thy ruin, if it be not ruined by a hand of faith (Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices, p. 220).
Resolutions are good, but they often fail. Our resolve often proves powerless, but faith overcomes the world.

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