Friday, September 2, 2011

The Infinite Society or Family of the Three

Speaking of "the society or family of the three," Jonathan Edwards speaks of realities with which we should all be caught up with with rapturous joy and delight (Works, vol. 21, Yale, 135):
They [the holy Trinity] are equal in honor besides the honor which is common to 'em all, viz., that they are all God; each has his peculiar honor in the society or family. They are equal not only in essence. The Father's honor is that he is as it were the author of perfect and divine wisdom. The Son's honor is that he is that perfect and divine wisdom itself, the excellency of which is that from whence arises the honor of being the author or generator of it. The honor of the Father and the Son is that they are infinitely excellent, or that from them infinite excellency proceeds. But the honor of the Holy Ghost is equal, for he is that divine excellency and beauty itself. 'Tis the honor of the Father and the Son that they are infinitely holy and are the fountain of holiness; but the honor of the Holy Ghost is that he is that holiness itself. The honor of the Father and the Son is, they are infinitely happy and are the original and fountain of happiness; and the honor of the Holy Ghost is equal, for he is infinite happiness and joy itself. The honor of the Father is that he is the fountain of the Deity, or he from whom proceed both divine wisdom and also excellency and happiness. The honor of the Son is equal, for he is himself the divine wisdom, and is he from whom proceeds the divine excellency and happiness. And the honor of the Holy Ghost is equal, for he is the beauty and happiness of both the other persons.
Oh to be swallowed up in the life of this holy and happy society!

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