Friday, June 25, 2010

Not if, but What

Worship.  We all do it.  It's inescapable.  We're incurable.  So the question is not if we will worship someone or something, but who or what we will worhsip.

So how may you know your functional center?  Who's your master?  What's ruling you?  Here's a test.  What is ultimate in your life?  Whatever is ultimate, that is your deity.  What is it, that if you lost it, life wouldn't be worth living.  What is it, that if taken away, doesn't just disappoint you, but devastates you?  What is it, that when threatened, not only makes you mad, but utterly bitter, outraged?

And even good things can become god things.  This is where many conservatives often go wrong.  If something is good, it's assumed, it's an unqualified good.  And biblical proportions and priorities are ignored.  And it's not all submitted to the true and living God.  It's called idolatry.  If a good thing becomes an ultimate thing, it's your sovereign, your lord.  And everyone's doing it with someone or something.  As one of our own prophets, Bob Dylan, put it in a song some years ago: "You're gonna have to serve somebody."

So who is your lord?  Whom will you serve?  Wittingly or not, you will worship.

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