Saturday, December 25, 2010

Going Home

In 1856, Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon the Sunday before Christmas called "Going Home." In it he prepared his growing church to speak of Christ's salvation at Christmas gatherings through their testimonies of what God had done for them.

Spurgeon had become pastor of New Park Street Church in 1854. The church had 232 members. The membership rose to 4,000 by Christmas of 1856. So Spurgeon prepared the large number of new converts for returning home at Christmas.

Among many practical points of counsel, including "Christmas is suited for sharing the gospel with family and friends," "Don't expect sharing to be easy," and "Tell your story seriously, not flippantly," the most helpful for me was this: "Be alert for one-on-one opportunities to share your story." Spurgeon enlarges on this point:
Do not tell this story to your ungodly friends when they are all together, for they will laugh at you. Take them one by one, when you can get them alone, and begin to tell it to them, and they will hear you seriously. . . . You may be the means of bringing a man to Christ who has often heard the Word and only laughed at it, but who cannot resist a gentle admonition.
HT: Sovereign Grace Ministries' blog

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