Friday, June 10, 2011

Calvinism Everywhere, Part 10

In 2 Samuel, David rises to the throne. And he "became greater and greater." Why? Or how? "For YHWH, the God of hosts, was with him" (2 Sam. 5:10). Sounds like the favor shown to Joseph, who rose and succeeded, "because YHWH was with him" (e.g., Gen. 39:21, 23). And David knew that God had effected his rise to power (2 Sam. 5:12). David did not bring this to pass. Read 1 Sam. 16ff. David did not seek the throne, not even after he was anointed by Samuel. Even then he waited on YHWH to bring to pass his rise to power, although he could have taken Saul's life countless times. But God did it. God brought it to pass. And David knew it.

Then YHWH told David, "I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand" (2 Sam.5:19). And so he did (2 Sam. 5:20, 24, 25; 8:1). In fact, "YHWH gave victory to David wherever he went" (2 Sam. 8:6, 14). We've seen this before, haven't we? God hands peoples over. God grants military victory. God reigns supreme, in salvation and in judgment.

Now turn two chapters later in the narrative. There we listen in to the great promises of the Davidic covenant. And the striking element, almost impossible not to notice—God initiates and resolves to bring to pass his good pleasure! Although David had not sought kingship, he now seeks to do something for YHWH, namely, build him a house (2 Sam. 7:2-3). But the word of YHWH won't have it (2 Sam. 7:4-5). He then declares through Nathan the prophet what he will do for David, namely, build him a house. See 2 Sam. 7:8-14. How many times does YHWH say that he will do this or that? Read it. It's striking. He is the Lord. And he reigns over all. His purposes will come to pass. None shall say to him, "What are you doing?" and thwart his plans. Nor shall any make plans and succeed, unless the Lord grants success. For the sovereign LORD is great, and there is none like him, no God besides him. And David knew it (2 Sam. 7:22). David knew that this was the God who drove out a nation and its gods before his people, whom he redeemed from Egypt (2 Sam. 7:23).

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