Monday, June 27, 2011

Journaling a Spiritual Discipline?

I don't journal. I don't have a diary. A while back I tried. Yet I decided that I'd rather study God's will, works, and ways instead of recording my feelings and experiences (especially if not connected with God's will, works, and ways). It is commonplace in our day to hear of the great importance of the "spiritual discipline" of doing a diary or journal. I frankly don't buy it. I'm not totally against it. But I'm suspicious of it's value. And here's one reason why (from Spurgeon)
I do not believe in keeping a detailed diary of each day’s experience, for one is very apt, for want of something to put down, to write what is not true, or at least not real. I believe there is nothing more stilted or untruthful, as a general rule, than a religious diary; it easily degenerates into self-conceit.
HT: Tim Challies

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