In truth, before ever I knew there was talk about a center in Owen, I myself was gripped by this. I believe it's on the face of his writings. In fact, I lectured on Owen for a Sunday school class about a year ago and gave the same center as I expounded the heart of his theology and life. Another plausible center (or at least a dominant emphasis), though, in my judgment, could be something like this: true and full Christian experience consists in a continual holy communion with the God of triune glory, by the power, wisdom, and delight of the Gospel. But I'll let the scholars quibble over these matters. I simply exult and glory in them as I experience them.
Another point made in Taylor's post that I appreciate is the one about who Owen fundamentally was: he was first and foremost, above all else, whatever else he was, a pastor. That's inescapable, as I read him. And for this I love him, especially as one who is often nauseated by academic and professional puffery and posturing among scholars and pastors. O for more pastors like Owen, who love the flock of God up into the glories of Christ!
If you've never read Owen, what a treasure you've yet to find. My recommendation: start with either volume 1, 2, or 6 of his Works, published by Banner of Truth. Take up and read!
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