Thursday, November 24, 2011

Deeply Grateful for Matter

Happy Thanksgiving to all! So much to be thankful for! To highlight one that covers a lot of ground and includes turkey and pie, I'm deeply grateful for matter. Yes, that is, solid stuff.

Oh how glorious is the ground under our feet and the sensory receptors to perceive it! How glorious is the gift of 10,000 flavors and 10,000 taste buds to enjoy them! Oh how glorious is this creation and the creature inhabiting it!human beings, the crown of creation, are mind-blowingly amazing! Oh how glorious is the wisdom and power, infinitely so, of the Creator who thought this stuff up and spoke it all into being! And here we are, flesh and bone, careening around the sun, really fast, on this ball of dirt in this vast universe, enjoying 10,000 mercies and gifts, moment by moment. Glory!

We cannot be too thankful! All praise and thanks be to the triune God of gloryFather, Son, and Spiritthe three-in-one, and one-in-three.

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